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Havok comes in all shapes and sizes

This blog started in my mind as a way to make fun of myself because I really do get myself into some weird situations. Havok realllly follows me around like it's my shadow. But, the more I really think about it, the more I realize that havok comes in all shapes and sizes.

Lately, my mind has been a jumbled up mess of weird thoughts, self doubt, and quick frankly sadness. There doesn't seem to be any end in sight. Or,. that light at the end of the tunnel. It's all bad right now.

But, that doesn't mean that life is bad. It just means I am in a bad or tricky spot. And, ya know that is okay. That is the real beauty of life. It can't be all good or all bad all the time. That would be boring. You need the curve balls of life thrown at you at a million miles an hour and pray to God that you can dodge them. That is how you grow. How you adapt. How you change. Whatever. Just call me Dr. Hank - at your mental health services.

I have also been struggling with how people view me. I have been called weird more times this past week than I care to admit. But, I ask, why is that a bad thing? I have always been weird. That is just who I am. Weirdness should not be a bad thing. Being who you are should not be a bad thing. I think about weird shit all the time - and sometimes those thoughts fall out of my mouth hole. So, whatever? What does that matter.

Like currently, I am adamant that i would be a great amputee. Specifically, if I lost my right leg below the knee. Very specific, I know. Very weird, again I know. I have no clue where I got it in my head that this is something that I would be good at but its there. And, I feel like i need to vocalize these thoughts because this crazy cannot stay in my head all the time. It just simply cant.

So, what I am thinking is I still share (I will have you know I accidently typed shart instead share there - ha!) stupid stories of my being dumb. But, also share these thoughts too. What do you think?



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Enjoy the Havoc!

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